Great day :-)

 I guess its obvious that I like to have mini photo-shootings when I catch some free time,even if their not scheduled as work? :-D
Well,that's just the thing I did today,and I can tell you guys it was fantastic!
It was sunny and cold,but that didn't stop my friend Stanko and me to take some great pictures. :-)
Thanks to my NikonD3000,everything went as planned. We chose to go to a place-Sremski Karlovci,near Novi Sad,where we both go to school,because its old-fashion and you get the feeling like you've traveled a couple of centuries back. I can't really explain that feeling,you have to visit the place to get what I'm saying :-)
Anways,thanks God the light was fantastic for the pictures,gives it a mystical look that I adore. On these pics under this text,you can see I wear a hat.I love them because I think their very lady-like,and its a great way to show off your own style :-) Everyone should have one! Their very stylish and go with everything.
Looking at these pictures,I guess the cold weather was worth it,right?

Stay tuned,more to come!

Mislim da je ocigledno da volim da pravim mala slikanja kad uhvatim malo slobodnog vremena,iako uopste nemaju nikakve veze sa poslom? :-D
Pa,to je upravo ono sto sam uradila danas,i mogu vam reci bilo je fantasticno!
Bilo je suncano ali dosta hladno,mada to nije sprecilo mog prijatelja Stanka i mene da napravimo dobre slike :-)
Zahvaljujuci mom NikonD3000,sve je islo po planu.Izabrali smo mesto Sremske Karlovce,blizu Novog Sada,gde oboje idemo u skolu,jer je sve staromodno,cak i gradjevine izgledaju kao nekad kako su izgledale,a osecaj je kao da se vratis par vekova unazad. Ne mogu vam to opisati,morate da posetite to mesto kako bi razumeli o cemu vam govorim :-D
Nego,hvala Bogu da je svetlost bila fantasticna za slikanje,jer daje nekakav izgled slikama kao da su nestvarne,sto obozavam :)
Na ovim slikama ispod,kao sto vidite nosim sesir,Obozavam sesire jer daju svakoj odevnoj kombinaciji otmenost. I nacin je da pokazete svoj stil. :-) Svako bi trebao da poseduje bar jedan! Idu uz sve.
Dok gledam ove slike,mislim da je bilo vredno smrzavanje,sta mislite?

Ostanite uz blog,bice jos! :-)


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