Everyday make-up (easy and looks fantastic!)

I've started doing my makeup when I started high school,and I definitely understand girls that don't get out of the house without a bit of makeup.Its seriously the best way to highlight the parts of your face that you adore and think people find attractive. You don't need to put a lot of makeup,a little is enough to get a great effect :-)
These are my special makeup helpers I use to highlight my favorite parts. And I really think everyone should consider using these items because their really great! I use them because they don't cause skin irritation.As you can see,I made my eye-brows darker,and I put a little white eye-shadow under them to make them stick out a bit,and give my eyes a wider look. Around my eyelids I worked with my SHE-black eye crayon,my eyes get a brighter color.On my lips,i chose the darker side of my Elizabeth Arden lip pencil,meat color,to make them bigger.Names of my makeup items you'll find under this text. And I use bronzing powder,because I'm really pale.
Hope you enjoy! :-*
Pocela sam da se sminkam kad sam krenula u srednju skolu i sad definitivno razumem devojke koje ne izlaze iz kuce ako nemaju bar malo sminke na licu.
Ovo je zaista najbolji nacin da istaknete delove koje obozavate na vasem licu.Ne morate sad da se zabetonirate sminkom,malo je sasvim dovoljno da dobijete savrsen efekat. Ovo su moji pomocnici koji meni pomagaju da istaknem svoje omiljene delove lica,i zaista mislim da bi svi trebali da nabave ove stvarcice jer su zaista super. Ja ih koristim jer ne izazivaju nikako iritaciju koze. :-)
Da bih napravila svoje obrve tamnije,koristila sam olovku za obrve i dodala ispod bele senke,jer tako istaknem deo lica sa ocima.Oko ociju uvek stavljam svoj omiljen kreon od SHE,jer mi oci dodju do izrazaja,i boja postane izvanredna! Na usnama sam stavila olovku-boja mesa,jer tako dobiju puniji izgled. Da ne bih bila bleda,kao sto prirodno jesam,malo sam stavila bronzera,cisto da dobijem neki ten :-)

Eyeshadow: Lancome
Concealer: Miss Sporty
Brow pencil: Elizabeth Arden (Espresso)
Eye pencil: SHE
Lip pencil: Elizabeth Arden (taupe-raisin)
Mascara: Shiseido
Bronzing powder duo: Elizabeth Arden


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