Flashback-Fashion Touch Belgrade :)

Hey! :) 
I've been wondering about my new post,and got an idea about doing a little flashback to December the 28th. It wasn't that long ago,but that's the date I had my latest fashion show,that took place in Belgrade. :-)
Fashion touch is a charity organisation,all the money we get from the show goes to charity to help  children with illnesses.
I was really happy to be a part of this show,because its a great feeling when you know you're actually helping someone get better. On that date,it started to snow for the first time in 2014. I was like a little kid running around,having fun.When I finally arrived after a 2 hour ride to Belgrade,I ran to the bus station to catch a bus to the hotel where this whole thing took place.When I arrived,as always,it was confusing.I had to run from one fitting to another,because I was doing most of the shows,and then go get my make-up done,my hair done,get dressed in the first dress,learn the choreography for every show.It was exhausting! Even if I like doing shows,I really wanted it to be finished so I can go sleep :-D During the whole day,I still had fun with my model friends,and they made time pass faster,which I love :-D
Of course I was nervous before the whole event started,I always am,it gets worse when I have to be the first model that opens the show.But when I step on the runway,everything goes away,I get this kind of super power and I start to be calm.That's the feeling I love! When you know all eyes are on you and you know that you're the one that gets to wear something that has never been worn. It's a great feeling :)
The only thing that went wrong was my trip back to Novi Sad. The snow got wild,and I didn't have any buses back,so I luckly got a ride from one of the models back. 

These are some pictures during the show and from the backstage when I was getting ready :-) Enjoy!
Stay tuned,more to come :-)

Zdravooo :-)
Razmisljala sam o novom postu,pa sam dosla na ideju da uradim jedan flashback na 28.decembar kad sam imala poslednju reviju u Beogradu :-)
Fashion touch je humanitarna organizacija koja od revija,prikupljeno sredstvo salje u humanitarne svrhe za lecenje decu sa teskim bolestima.
Bilo mi je drago sto sam bila deo ovakve organizacije jer je divan osecaj kad znas da pomazes nekome da ozdravi.Na ovaj dan je zapravo pao sneg,prvi put u godini 2014. Bila sam ko malo dete,trcala okolo,zabavaljajuci se! :D Kad sam napokon stigla nakon voznje 2 sata do Beograda,brzo sam trazila bus i otisla do hotel-a gde se ovo sve odrzavalo.Bilo je naporno i zbunjujuce,jer sam morala sa jednog fitinga na drugi da trcim jer sam radila skoro sve revije (a to je znaci puno) morala trcati na sminku,pa onda u sred sminke da idem na probu koreografije za sve dizajnere,pa nazad da me zavrsi,pa kosu da mi srede,pa da trcim jer uskoro sve pocinje,a nisam bila u prvoj haljini koja se jako jako tesko oblacila,ali hvala Bogu proslo je brzo,zahvaljujuci mojim prijateljima koji su radili sa mnom,bilo je zabavno i vreme je brzo prolazilo.
Naravno,pre svake revije me uhvati nenormalna nervoza.Postane jos gore kad moram prva da otvaram reviju nekog dizajnera,ali sve to brzo prodje kad zagazim na pistu.Super je osecaj jer tad sve prodje,postanem smirenija i znam da su sve oci uprte.Jos bolji osecaj je kad dobijes cast da prosetas nesto sto niko do sad nije ni nosio! :)
Jedino sto je otislo po zlu jeste moj povratak za Novi Sad,jer je sneg bio nenormalan,zavejao pola puteva,meni poslednji busevi otisli,ali srecom imala sam drugaricu koja se isto vracala,pa me je povela sa sobom. :-)

Ovo je nekoliko slika u toku revija i nekoliko iz backstage-a kad sam se spremala :-) Uzivajte!
Ostanite uz blog,jos dolazi :)
 (trying smaller shoes)

(dress:Milica Trickovic)

(dress:Manuela Manojlovic)


(dress:Korina Manosperti)

 (dress:Aleksandar Jovanovic)

(dress:Nena Najdenov)
(dress:Nebojsa Mandic)


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